Dangers of Yoga for Christians

Laurette Willis was involved in Yoga and New Age for 22 years before finding her personal experience with Jesus Christ. She shares several warnings about Yoga and its ties to 300 Hindu gods with CBN in an article “Should Christians Do Yoga?” Many postures in Yoga are really offerings to these gods. In India they actually do these poses standing before these gods as statues.

Yoga has been praised for many health benefits by schools, companies, and even churches. We are warned that one of the reasons of the love for Christ growing cold among believers is listening to false teachings promoted by false teachers. We have to be very careful of what spirits we entertain, even when they are clothed in garments of good and health, for the very origins of Yoga is based in false beliefs.

“In yoga they do what they call pranayama breathing. Prana is the Hindu word for life force, the same concept as the word chi in some martial arts. Yoga breathing attempts to manipulate that life energy, which Laurette believes is perilous. “That is a dangerous thing,” she said, “because I think that we are coming out from under the blood of Jesus when we do stuff like that, and we are no match for the enemy in those areas. I think of what Paul said in Ephesians 2:2, that Satan is the prince of the power of the air. We are not talking about oxygen.”

“Along with emptying the mind, yoga guides people into astral travel, which is where people actually leave their bodies, a practice that Laurette was familiar with and has since questioned.  “I wonder with those experiences when I left my body what got in there when I was gone?” Laurette posed. “As a Christian with the Holy Spirit in there, we are not going to be possessed, I don’t think. But one could easily be oppressed.”

“But Laurette is convinced that yoga and Hinduism are inextricably linked, and beyond that, there can be no such thing as Christian yoga.”

The above quotes from the article shows that Laurette is very concerned with Christians doing Yoga in any form, due to the inability to separate the poses from false gods. Remember the devil has the ability to transform himself into an angel of light, so his demons can appear as good angelic beings, deceiving us into thinking we are doing good when in fact we are offering our energy to the enemy of our true Lord Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit has been given to us to lead us into Truth. Part of this leading is convicting our conscience of what displeases our Lord. The less we spend time with Christ the less we feel the conviction of His Spirit, and the more we are able to justify that we are doing the right thing, when in fact we are serving a false god.

Be Wise as Devils but harmless as the Holy Spirit of God.


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