Joel Rosenberg is a Jewish Christian who has worked in politics as campaign advisor for Steve Forbes and consultant to many others, including Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel. He and his family have recently moved to Israel to live, and to continue to write books about Bible Prophecy and current events. He is a New York Times best-selling and award-winning author, with 10 novels and 5 non-fiction books with over 3 million copies sold.
“32 reasons a Trump presidency would be a catastrophe for America” is the title of his latest blog post. You can read the full post by clicking on the title.
Joel feels that America is heading for an implosion. He names a few reasons why: with Supreme Court Justices deciding that the Bible is wrong and marriage needs redefined, 58 million babies murdered, $18 trillion in debt, surrendering to Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and ISIS, corruption of our tax code, not controlling our borders, violence, drugs, pornography, and schools in a mess.
He says America needs a Josiah to bring us a spiritual revival, based on II Chronicles 7:14, a great awakening to know Christ personally, seeking forgiveness and restoration.
Joel feels that only four of the candidates could possibly turn our nation around: Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Marco Rubio, and Rick Santorum. He calls them the “Final Four” that he is watching closely.
Joel says that Donald Trump is definitely not a Josiah. Here is an excerpt about Trump.
“It would be a mistake to entrust the entire pro-life, pro-marriage movement to a man who has blown up two marriages of his own, boasts of his infidelities, runs gambling an strip clubs, has supported abortion on demand and Planned Parenthood for decades, and talks of appointing his own pro-choice sister to the Supreme Court. It would be a disaster to entrust the economy to a man who has proposed both the biggest tax cut in history (with no plan to pay for it) and the biggest tax increase in history. Further, it would be a catastrophe to entrust the security of our nation and our allies to a man who has no foreign policy and national security experience, who clearly doesn’t understand the threat of Radical and Apocalyptic Islam, and who says he gets his military advice from watching Sunday TV talk show.
In some ways, Mr. Trump reminds me of the Biblical figure, Sampson — blind and ready to bring the house down. But perhaps the analogy to Saul, Israel’s first king, is more apt. Read the account in I Samuel chapter eight through fifteen. The people demanded that the Hebrew prophet Samuel “appoint a king for us to judge us like all the nations.” (I Samuel 8:5) The rebellious people didn’t want God to lead them. They wanted a king of their own choosing, someone who would make Israel seem like all the pagan nations around them, someone to “go out before us and fight our battles.” (I Samuel 8:20). In short order, the people made a man named Saul their king. They didn’t study his character or his track record or his statements or his views on how to lead them. They chose “a choice and handsome man” who was “taller than any of the people” and was the son of a “mighty man of valor.” (I Samuel 9:1-2). Why? Because Saul looked the part.
Samuel, the Hebrew prophet, was horrified. But in the end, the Lord said, “Listen to the voice of the people…for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me from being king over them.” (I Samuel 8:7) The Lord then explained how much this foolish decision would cost His people, but He let them make their choice anyway. And it did not go well.
Is this where America is heading?”
Joel proceeds to list 32 reasons a Trump presidency would be a catastrophe for America. Two that stood out for me were:
“I don’t like to have to ask for forgiveness” and “I’ve never asked God for forgiveness for anything.”
I encourage you to read his full post and pray with him and with all concerned Christians that God would guide His choice into the White House, as He causes all Americans to realize the need to repent and draw close to God, asking for His favor to be restored.
One thing we need to remember. God has foretold us about these last days. There will be a one world government with a one world leader. There will be a one world church with a false prophet. There will be a one world currency with a system that controls the buying and selling of every individual.
In order for these things to happen, there must be a merging of all nations of the world into a world global community. Isn’t that where Obama has led us? Isn’t his desire to rule over the United Nations a part of bringing this world order to fulfillment? Isn’t the popularity of Pope Francis and his call for all religions to become one, coincidental in the timing?
If Jesus Christ is to return as King of kings and Lord of lords, the stage has to be set for His return.
Sometimes God puts a Saul in power to judge the nation and the world. Is His judgment coming on America for throwing Him out of our society and out of our personal lives?