New Year’s Resolution-Revisit the Book!

2015 has been a crazy year. Events from terrorism trying to create Armageddon to usher in their 12th Mahdi to rule the world as an Islamic Caliphate, to mass shootings across America, to civil unrest over police officers abusing their authority, to planes crashing with suicidal pilots or mechanical failures, to Russia, and China rising to world power via economics and their military, to Iran threats on Israel, to unusual weather around the world, to same-sex marriage made lawful, to selling of baby body parts, to the Pope visiting various countries of the world calling for peace and tolerance while stating that even those who deny Christ with a good conscience will go to heaven.

Two explorers were on a jungle safari when suddenly a ferocious lion jumped in front of them. “Keep calm” the first explorer whispered. “Remember what we read in that book on wild animals? If you stand perfectly still and look the lion in the eye, he will turn and run.” “Sure,” replied his companion. “You’ve read the book, and I’ve read the book. But has the lion read the book?”

Have you read the Book?

Jesus teaches us that we will have tribulation in this world. We will be persecuted for believing in Him as the only way to Heaven. Our own family members would turn against us. We would need to bear our own cross. The evil for one day is sufficient. There is a prince of darkness that rules over this world for now, who brings suffering. Many false teachers would arise preaching a false gospel. The Father gives good gifts and wants to be with us in the suffering and help us overcome the pain. The process refines our character into being more like God’s character.

The Book tells us we will suffer and who suffering comes from, yet we mostly blame God for allowing the pain and heartache to happen in our lives. In reality, most suffering comes from our own wrong choices, and yielding to the desires of the evil one who tempts us away from God.

The wars of this world, the abnormal weather, the Middle East conflict, unnatural desires of men for men and women for women, lack of respect for life, a False Prophet arising, Israel being forsaken, the rise of Islam and a one world government leader, the breakdown of morals, denial of Jesus Christ as the only way to eternal life, all have been foretold in the Bible.

The irony is that the roaring lion or the devil has read the book, while most of the world ignores its teachings. The good guys don’t stand a chance when the enemy knows the book better.

The devil quoted scripture to Jesus and Jesus quoted scripture correctly back to the devil. The devil left. Cults quote scripture and deceive innocent hearts into following a wrong god. Only when one knows what the Book or the Bible says can one quote the scripture correctly and save his or her soul from deception. Many are listening to the New Age false teachings today coming out of Hollywood, and end up entertaining dark angels and a false messiah in their lives.

Many are ignoring what is going on in the world and busying themselves in the affairs of this life, hoping it all will go away.  They drown any pain in their lives with the pleasures of this world. If Jesus is coming as a thief comes in the night, how will we be ready for Him if we are not watching for His appearing and obeying what He teaches?

As we close out 2015 and ring in 2016 let us make a resolution to revisit the teachings of Christ and His Apostles who have warned us, instructed us, and empowers us via the Holy Spirit to be of good cheer no matter what our future brings, and to cry…”Come quickly, Lord Jesus!”



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