Christ is still in Christmas!


I have enjoyed the past few weeks as I interacted with different shoppers scurrying about getting ready for family gatherings for Christmas. There is such a change in attitude among people when they are busy preparing to feed and gift their friends and family. People are so much nicer and more courteous to each other. It is so refreshing to experience and watch them interact with each other; and even though we are dumb-downed by the media to wish each other Happy Holidays, I find that the vast majority are still wishing each other a Merry Christmas! Christ is still in Christmas, no matter how much our atheistic and humanistic leaders try to deceive us into imitating otherwise!

There are over two hundred thousand registered witches and as many as 8 million unregistered practitioners across America; ghosts, incubus, succubus, witches, vampires, werewolves and other creatures of the night are popularly esteemed as objects of desire and idolized by young men and women who view them as cult icons of envious power. Books and films like Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse, television shows like Being Human, The Gates, Underworld, The Vampire Diaries, and True Blood, as well as Gay themed programs like The Lair. Lady Gaga, Natalie Kills, Jessie J, and Britney Spears are using their music to deploy magic spells, occult words and esoteric symbols. Harry Potter’s witchcraft, Ghost Hunters, Paranormal State, Psychic Kids, Children of the Paranormal and The Haunted are all indicative of a new preferred spirituality that is sweeping the country and the world.

church picnics

This is a far cry from the turn of the Century when Mom and Dad took the family to church by horse and wagon, or by their first Ford vehicle, intent on spending the day under an Oak tree with a blanket spread upon the ground with homemade food spread out for all to share; greeting each other with “May God bless you,” and similar sayings and the kids went back to school on Monday morning where the teacher led everyone in a Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Lord’s Blessings!

You can see why I get excited about being being nice to one another and standing against the tide of darkness sweeping this world, and saying to one another with a smile and sincere heart….MERRY CHRISTMAS….GOD BLESS YOU AND YOURS!!!!!

Jesus came as God in flesh to reconcile the world unto Himself; and all who ask Him to come into their heart receive eternal life, the hope of escaping the corruption of this body of flesh and the evil that is in this worldly Satanic system. Jesus suffered and died to purchase each of us back from the deception of the devil’s lies. He descended first into the lower parts of the earth to take away the keys of death and hell from Satan, then He ascended up to God’s Throne Room showing all the heavenly hosts the keys in His hand while He humiliated the devil. Then He poured out the gift of His eternal life through the Power of His Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. Peter said this fulfilled what the prophet Joel had foretold some 800 years before Christ was born, and that this promise was to you, your children, to those near and far, even as many as the Lord our God has called. (Acts 2:38,39) (Joel 2:28-32)

The devil tried to get Jesus to use His God-Power for the wrong reasons, but Jesus used the Word of God to defeat him. Then he tried to get Herod to kill baby Jesus, but the angel of God gave Joseph a dream and led them into Egypt until Herod was dead. Then the devil got Judas to betray Him with a kiss and the religious leaders to crucify Him. The devil thought he had eliminated the one threat to his kingdom of darkness, but Jesus showed up in hell demanding the keys; and then he opened the graves of the Old Testament saints and they appeared on the streets of Jerusalem testifying about the power of the Resurrection of their Lord and God!! Jesus said that All power in heaven and earth was His and the works of the devil had been destroyed and all who believe in Him as the Son of God receives living waters flowing from inside their inner most beings up into eternal life, finding rest for their souls and strength to overcome all the temptations and struggles of this life.

angel annoucement to mary

It started with the angel announcing to Mary, “Hail, thou art highly favored, the Lord is with thee” blessed are thou among women. Behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shall call his name, JESUS. He shall be great and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give Him the throne of his father David. And He shall reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of His kingdom there shall be no end.”

And suddenly there was a heavenly host of angels praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the Highest and on earth peace, and good will toward men.”

So as the world around us gets darker by the ignorance of people doing evil, let the 80% of our country that still believe in Christ shout with an even louder voice….Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

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