Dr. Medina Pullings at World Harvest Church.
Dr. Medina Pullings preached a dynamic message this morning from Nehemiah 1:4. Nehemiah heard about the walls of Jerusalem still not rebuilt. The news caused him to mourn the condition of his people with prayer and fasting. He began to call on God to raise up his people to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
Take time to listen to her anointed preaching to see how she tied this scripture to our present hour. She gave a distinct clarion call for the church to quit playing church and get back to the basics of prayer, fasting and study of the Bible. Only when the church practices the basics with a deep reverence for her God will she be in a place where Christ can manifest His miracles like He did for the early church. We have lost our respect for the Sacred!
God is stirring the hearts of his ministry like he did at the turn of the Century. He wants to manifest His Glory before the Antichrist enslaves the masses. We each need to rise up with new dedication to prayer and fasting and obedience to His Word and let our voices be known to all around us. Jesus is coming for a people who are looking for Him. Will you be one of them whom He finds awake and watching for His return?