Satan’s War for Your Soul-Part Two

Satan is bound by the same rules as the Holy Spirit. Whatever he wishes to do in the earthly realm, he must do through a human agent. This is why Satan tried to enlist Eve and Adam’s help, instead of killing them. Just as God manifests His presence in the lives of His people through the Power of the Holy Spirit, the devil uses man to display his unholy spirit. The devil cannot create, so he tries to duplicate everything that God does. His demonic forces are patterned after the organization of God’s Holy angels in heaven. God manifests Himself as the Father, as the Son and as the Holy Spirit. The devil will manifest himself during the tribulation as the dragon, the beast and the false prophet. Satan’s magicians were able to duplicate the first few miracles of Moses before Pharaoh. Satan was the most powerful angel in heaven before his fall, and has limited creative power, which he will use during the tribulation to deceive people into worshiping the beast and his image.

Satan’s interest in men is limited to what they can help him accomplish while they are on earth. His own purpose is to steal, kill and destroy, and he is more than happy to use man, woman and child to bring these things about on the earth. His ultimate hatred is toward God, not man. Man is just a major way to get back at God for kicking him out of heaven. Jesus and the Apostles believed that the devil was intent on frustrating the plans of God, by corrupting and impeding the progress of humans as they work to advance the Kingdom of God on earth. Satan is against us trying to live for God and help others to be ready for Christ’s second coming. There is a war for your soul and the souls of the coming generation. The more people he can deceive into following their fleshly desires and worldly reasoning and affections, the easier it will be to deceive the world into worshiping him as god. He hasn’t given up this desire to be like god.

This is why one of his major appellations is ‘Accuser of the brethren’. Two major examples of the devil accusing believers are Job and Joshua. We find that Job has a ‘hedge’ built around him and Satan is unable to touch him or anything that is associated with Job.

This hedge was formed by the angels of God, surrounding Job and all that belonged to him. Psalm 34:7 ESV “The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them.” Psalm 91:1 ESV “For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.” 2 Kings 6:17. KJV “And Elisha prayed, and said, Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he might see. And the Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha.”

Joshua had filthy garments on as the high priest of Israel. These garments represented the sinfulness of the people. Satan immediately attacked Joshua about the sin, pointing at his defiled garments as he stood before God. God rebuked the devil and commanded clean garments to be put on Joshua by an angel. As soon as the defilement was removed, the accusations were removed. Joshua was able to proceed in his role as high priest for Israel, asking for their forgiveness.

Three things we can learn here.

1-Satan can’t touch what God has His angels around.
2-Any uncleanness or defilement by rebellion or disobedience on our part, opens the hedge of protection and leaves room for the devil to make his accusations against us before God.
3-Confession of these sins brings clean clothing and removes the legal grounds for accusations against us.

In other words, we open the door, we break the hedge, we give legal right to Satan by disobedience to God and His Word. Confession is the only thing that can close the door and rebuild the hedge, and the Blood of Jesus Christ is the only means to have the clothes washed white as snow. The devil knows this, so he does his best to keep us from acknowledging our sins, and from confessing them to our High Priest, Jesus Christ.

Sin, disobedience, and rebellion all open the door for the devil to accuse and attack us. Confession of sin and obedience to His Word with the right heart attitude closes this door. Door closed=no accusations. No accusations=no judgement. Paul even says if we judge ourselves according to God’s Word, we have no need of any other judgement.

The truth is, most of what we deal with in our daily lives is not demonically inspired. Things can be attributed to our own foolishness, foibles, physical infirmities, quirks, and idiosyncrasies. We all carry some banged-up emotional baggage from our childhoods. Lying beneath all this is the fact that we have been born into a sinful world and have an intrinsically sinful nature. Our parents didn’t have to teach us to be selfish; looking out for number one came naturally. Not even the slightest Satanic provocation or nudge is necessary to talk us into indulging our flesh.

However, any of these factors can become a tool that the devil can use against us. It’s as though a thief is walking by your house one day and sees all the doors and windows flung wide open, with your most valuable possessions displayed unprotected, available for all to see. Nobody would be surprised if the thief came in and helped himself to your property.

Similarly when the enemy of your soul passes by and sees you unprotected, distracted from what really matters, spending most of your dwindling spiritual reserves struggling with habitual sins or speaking evil of someone else, he chortles, “All right! This is my kind of place. These are my kind of people. I think I will stay for a while. Better still, I think I’ll just move right in and make myself at home.”

On the other hand, when the devil comes knocking on your door, and he finds you are filled with the Spirit of Jesus, then Jesus answers the door. The devil is powerless before Him, so he quickly retreats. “Oops! Wrong address!” If you consistently are seeking more of your Father through his Word and prayer, and confessing the sins that He shows you in your heart, then you are protected from the devil’s accusations and attacks. “Greater is He who is in you, than he that is in the world.” I John 4:4

Peter says that the devil goes about as a roaring lion seeking someone to devour, and Paul says that we are not ignorant of the devil’s schemes. John says that we must test the spirits around us and of those speaking through people, as to whether they are from God or the enemy. Paul says that we have to put on the whole armor of God to be able to withstand the darts of the devil, and that our weapons are not carnal but mighty in the Spirit to bringing every thought into captivity to God and His Word, casting down every argument against God and tearing down strongholds of the enemy.

We must be able to know that, “This is the enemy’, or “The devil is behind this.” How do we do this? Jesus is our Shepherd and He says that His sheep will know His voice and not follow another. The sheep don’t know the voice of strangers, and they will not follow the stranger. They follow the good Shepherd. (John 10:3-5) The only way to know someone’s voice is to spend time with them. The more time you spend with someone the more you know, not only their voice, but their body language and behavior habits as well.

The closer we are to Jesus, the clearer we hear His voice. The more we read His Word, the clearer we hear the voice of our Father. The more we seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit, the more sensitive we are to His voice in our spirits.

This is one thing that we are missing as modern day Christians. We have to work hard and fast to provide a home for the family. Then we have many obligations to take care of outside of work, together with a plethora of information from all manner of media devices. Most of the time this input is sexual, violent, promoting the pampering of the flesh and its desires for wrong living. By the time we hit the bed, our brains are fried, and our sleep is non-restful. Then we get up and do it all over again.

The total input is worldly information. The things of this worldly system are of the devil who rules it. The world is always at war and in a state of violence because Satan is at war and is a violent ruler. We put into our minds and hearts everything he offers us from his worldly system, of government, work, school, and entertainment. Is it any wonder that there is a rise of the Occult and Witchcraft teachings, incorporating New Age and Eastern teachings, while reviving the Sumerian and Egyptian false gods?

Our teenagers are at risk today.
-91% say there is no absolute truth.
-75% of teens believe the central message of the Bible is, “God helps those who help themselves.”
-53% believe Jesus committed sin. (40% of Born Again teens believe this)

Our nation is in trouble and we need to confess our sins and ask for God to forgive and heal our land, as in II Chronicles 7:14.

The Old Testament was full of idolatry, with child sacrifice. Molech, as a demonic false god, demanded the sacrifice of babies. Molech was made of brass, and hollow within. His face was that of a calf and his hands outstretched like a man waiting to receive something. The false priests would kindle the arms of the idol with fire, take a young baby and put it into the hands of Molech. The child’s screams could be heard as he/she slid down the arms into the inside of the idol and was consumed in fire. The child was sacrificed to a demon god. This sounds horrible doesn’t it?

Yet as inhumane and terrible as this was, the truth is, modern-day abortion is a child sacrifice. It is the enemy’s way of getting at the next generation. 1.3 million abortions are performed each year in America.

Yet, there are missing children across our nation daily that are never found because they have been sacrificed on altars to Satan in a Witchcraft or Satanic circle. The following is an excerpt from “Sacrifices for Law Enforcement” website.

“Children who are of the infant stage, and are unbaptized, are always a good prospect. These types of children can be
kidnapped easily enough and offer no resistance. The children are often taken by the cults for the purpose of offering them to Satan as a
sacrifice to him. (Other reasons for human and animal sacrifices are discussed below) The child, when taken, is usually a boy child. The
reason for this is that the boy child will represent the Lord Jesus. The child offered, is then killed, (I will skip this ritual) and hung upside
down on a wooden cross before the coven members. After the child has been cut, (I will also skip this ritual) with the sacrificial knife, his
blood is caught in various cups or bowls, and then usually mixed with either drugs, the urine, blood, or semen of the high priest or priestess,
herbs, or alcohol, then drank by the members. (This act as well as eating the flesh, will cause the persons to acquire more demons, which
will give them more power) After, or while this is being done, those in the coven takes strips of the child’s flesh, grounds parts of it, and eats
it. When everything has been done to the boy child to degrade it and those who partake of the child, the body is then taken to a secure
place, (If it isn’t done at the site of the sacrifice) and ran through the garbage disposal, to get rid of any evidence. These people are trained
in how to get rid of the evidence.”

Click here for Satan’s War for Your Soul-Part Three

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