We have covered a lot of territory in the recent study series on the Tongue of Man, and The Portals to the Soul of Man. A realization that there are two spiritual worlds around us is imperative to understanding the power of the tongue as it speaks words of life or death, blessing or cursing, into the spiritual world around us. Our confessions attract good or evil spirits. When you enter a room full of negativity, you want to leave this room, as you are feeling demonic evil spirits in the room with these confessions.
The two kingdoms of this invisible world are warring with one another for our souls. It becomes very important for us to understand about the portals to the soul, portals that allow God or Satan to have access to our soul. Fortunately, God has designed our souls with a ‘will’, and nothing, not even God, can get past our wills without our invitation.
The enemy knows this better than we do, so he uses deception and lies to get us to invite him past our wills. These deceptions are made to appear as truths, sounding good and right, until you compare them to the Word of God and His Holy Spirit. The devil has found that it is very easy to trick man into obeying him, by making man believe that he actually thought of the idea himself. It sounds good, it feels good, it fits with my carnal reasoning, I must be brilliant for thinking of this!
The devil knows how to disguise himself as an angel of light, appearing as something that is good for our souls, such as angel-guides. Today, you hear more about angels via every source of media. Some of these stories are real angels of God. Many of them are angels of darkness, pretending to be angels of God. The average person doesn’t know his Bible, so he accepts all stories of angels as from God. Soon, he is drawn into New Age false teachings, and is actually praying and seeking angel-guides for their guidance. What he doesn’t know is that he is actually seeking angels of darkness or demons. So, he is praying to demons, thinking he is praying to God. The devil’s mission has been accomplished. You see, the devil doesn’t care who you pray to as long as you are not praying to the real Yahweh or Yeshua. (BTW, every encounter with the angels of God in the Bible always brought the bowing of the knees and immediate praise to almighty God. Angels never ever received worship from man. They are not our personal genie in a lamp. That particular genie would be a demon)
The devil is not a gentleman, so he doesn’t play fair or nice. Jesus tells us that Satan came to steal, kill and destroy. When God created everything, He created it beautiful, good, and free from suffering and pain. When Satan enters onto the stage he immediately begins to destroy that which God has called beautiful and good. If God makes it pure, the devil turns it into filthy. If God makes it good, the devil turns it into evil and wicked. If God makes it beautiful, the devil turns it into something ugly and hideous. The devil hates God and everything that God has created, including man, woman, and child.
Your soul has portals or openings that take in input from the outside world. Your mind filters this information, storing what is important, and discarding what is unimportant. However, there is a glitch, for every thing that is discarded, part of it leaves a mark on the conscious and subconscious mind of man, seeping right into our soul. Our soul is shaded by all the colorful and not so colorful details of our life-experiences. Eventually, what is deep in the soul, will come out on the tongue of the mouth. This means that we need to be diligent in guarding the input to the soul. We do this by ‘testing’ the ‘spirit’ behind what we are taking in through our sense gates. What kingdom is this information coming from? God’s or Satan’s? Is this information producing true light and goodness, or darkness and evil? Is this really my idea, or did it come from God or the enemy? What does the Word of God say about what I am hearing, seeing, and feeling? Is this ‘spirit’ who is speaking through this man, woman, or child, from God or the devil?
If it does not agree with the Word of God, we need to resist the enemy and close that door to our soul. If it agrees with the Word of God, we need to open the door wide and soak up all that God has for us. We have to be in a constant state of alertness, and a constant state of readiness to make war on the devil’s kingdom. It is time to stop accepting everything as good and harmless. The world is ready with its New World Order. Israel and the Middle-East nations are gearing up for a war that could lead into WWIII. Let’s put on the whole armor of God and bar the gates to the enemy, while we bow our knees in intercessory prayer for Israel, our nation, and the souls of this world, to be protected and free from Satan’s lies and deception. Satan came to steal, kill and destroy all the way to Armageddon and the Lake of Fire. We are at war, let’s get away from soaking up the media’s occult mind-control and act like it.
We have mentioned some major doors through which Satan can enter into the soul of man. Unforgiveness, Sexual sins, (natural and unnatural), Emotional Traumatic events, False Religions, and the Occult or Witchcraft, are some of the portals which we have looked at. There are many more, but by now you are getting the picture of how the devil wages war, and the means that he gains access to enslave our souls. Let me just list some of the more obvious ones scattered throughout society today. As you look at the list, see if you can recognize yourself or someone you know being under some kind of servitude to one or more on the list.
The Doors of rebellion, disobedience, abuse, nicotine, alcohol, drugs, depression, fear, poverty, abandonment, rejection, humiliation, shame, guilt, gossip, slander, pride, greed, lust, coveting, loneliness, theft, lies, murder, rape, incest, broken vows, cursing our children, (by telling them they will never amount to anything), yoga, and martial arts.
Rebellion is as the sin of Witchcraft, and is mentioned with the story of Saul. Saul had disobeyed God’s direction when fighting against the Amalekites. When God informed him that he could no longer be king, he went to a Witch to inquire of Samuel, the prophet, who had died. God rebuked Saul for not destroying all the Amalekites completely for their demon worship, saying that ‘obedience is better than sacrifice’, then goes on to say that rebellion is as the sin of Witchcraft. Saul died in battle the next day. After he was wounded he asked for his armor bearer to kill him, and when he refused (afraid of killing a king), he took his own sword and fell on it, ending his life in suicide and defeat.
All of the portals that the devil uses to gain access to the soul of man starts with rebellion. Take a look at the above list again with this in mind. Can you see rebellion and disobedience in each of them, and in what we have already discussed?
Rebellion starts with a thought attached to a wrong attitude. This usually starts with some kind of emotional hurt.
When man is hurt physically, he withdraws from the source of pain. He learns to avoid the source of pain in the future. When he is hurt emotionally, he becomes angry at the source of pain and at himself for allowing the hurt to have happened. If this happens in front of others, he can be humiliated, and put to shame. He then denies just how painful the hurt is, playing it down, pretending it never happened. He proceeds to nurse the wound privately so as not to lose any more of his pride.
This leads to resentment, bitterness, and unforgiveness. Physically, if it’s an object, he will sometimes hit it with his fist or a hammer, or give it a kick with his foot. He does this to release the stress which the pain has caused. If it is an emotional wound, he will imagine how he can get even with the person for causing the pain. He begins the process of acceptance and tells himself it is all right, that he can live with it, but he will get even someday. This attitude can eat at a person like a cancer, zapping his energy, changing his personality. If this is not corrected, he can turn into a bully, or worse, into a killer. He can turn into a mean, selfish person who tries to control and manipulate others for his own agenda. It all started with a thought and attaching an emotion to it. Hurt people need prayer and healing and sometimes deliverance from demonic strongholds. They do not need judgement or criticism.
Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance are the five stages of grief.
Every person has to wade through these five stages to receive healing. The stages can’t be bypassed nor skipped, they all must be gone through in order, or the healing or deliverance will never be complete. This can take many trips to the Psyche Doc or a few less trips to the Great Physician, Jesus Christ. Sometimes this journey to healing can be a life long process, and our job is to pray for the process as we see others suffer.
Some people receive an emotional wound and turn everything into a self-pity party, blaming others and circumstances for their lot in life. They aren’t happy and they make sure that everyone else is unhappy.
Some people turn their wounds inward and withdraw from society, and all possible future sources of discomfort. They can become homeless, or hobos, or reclusive (this doesn’t mean that all homeless or hobos or recluses are wounded souls, some people just enjoy the quiet side of life). Some people try to self-destruct with some form of abuse to their own bodies, expressing self-hate. Self-hate can lead to serious health problems, difficulty with living with others, and can end in suicide.
Others turn their wounds outward, rebelling against everything that is normal, demanding their individuality, and everyone else better give them room and respect. If there is anger that is allowed to turn into hate, then violence manifests itself in some form of abnormal lifestyle, vandalism or property damage.
Still others turn their wounds on other people, abusing them mentally, emotionally, and physically. Child abusers, wife abusers, husband abusers, beatings, cuts, bruises, bullets, rape, kidnapping, mind-control, manipulation, pimps, drug lords, all of them angry at the world.
Take a look at our society, mental hospitals, shelters, children’s homes, prisons, shelters, halfway houses, rehab clinics, all full of hurting souls. They are suffering because of an open soul-portal, which they never fully understood how to keep closed, nor how to filter that which they allowed to enter their souls.
Then there are those who are free to roam the street corners, and the back alleys of our cities. They are free to bring harm to another soul via robbery, assault, kidnapping, torture or death. These are people who have given in to the evil one, who have allowed the devil to breech the portals of their souls. They now go around doing his dirty work for him.
Then there are the souls who turn inward, practicing yoga or some form of meditation. They are seeking inner-healing as they try to rise above the evil of the world, safe inside their own inner-world of self. Self becomes their deity as they connect to a universal force without a name, as they try to change Karma with the correct understanding and the right set of words and actions. They practice a love for others that starts with a love for their own self. They pursue this, either with New Age or Eastern teachings. By trying to tap into this universal force, they digress into the world of the Occult, and even into Satanism.
They start out innocent, with their intentions of bettering themselves and feeling good about changing their lifestyle toward others. They are happy with what they are experiencing. Then, when they are not expecting it, something evil begins to manifest itself, and if they try to break from this evil, they soon find they have lost control of their will. They realize now that they are dealing with demons who lied and deceived them into thinking they were their angel-guides. If they entertain these evil demons further, they find themselves seeking to manipulate things, circumstance and eventually other people through magical practices. They then go on to place curses on people and do the devil’s bidding. Many child sacrifices are being offered around our cities by the Occult, and many murders have been directed by Satan’s demons in Occult practitioners. This is why some missing people are never found.
Click here for The Portals To The Soul Of Man-Part Six