Monthly Archives: November 2016

Trying to Measure Up

Share There are a lot of expectations in this life; expectations from our self, our spouse, our children, our teachers, our employer, our friends, our church, our neighbors, and our society. How many of us can say, we have met … Continue reading

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Share Thanksgiving is a time of giving thanks for all the good things in your life, and even the bad, because the bad make us grow and mature, whereas all good would make us lazy and complacent. The History of … Continue reading

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Which Church is Preaching the Truth of Jesus Christ? Part-Two

ShareWhich Church is Preaching the Truth of Jesus Christ? Part-One So, indeed it is a quagmire; a soft-boggy land under one’s feet when it comes to choosing the right group of people to associate with for Christian growth. It can … Continue reading

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Which Church is Preaching the Truth of Jesus Christ? Part-One

Share This is part-one. You can read part-two here. Quagmire is defined as a soft boggy area of land that gives way under foot, or an awkward, complex, or hazardous situation. Finding the church who preaches what Jesus taught is … Continue reading

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The Word of God is only Effective to Believers as they keep on believing

Share “For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word … Continue reading

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Logos and Rhema Defeats Demons

Share Both the Bible and Jesus are called “the Word of God.” The Bible is God’s written Word. Jesus is God’s personal spoken Word. The word authority comes from the word author. The author is the one who gives authority … Continue reading

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Your Personal Worth Proven by Your Name Written on His palm and a White Stone

Share Jesus chose twelve disciples to train and to commission as Apostles for the purpose of founding the Church in the Book of Acts. These twelve are commonly divided into three separate groups of four disciples each. The first group … Continue reading

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Did God Just Send His Holy Watcher Angels to Give America Another Chance Through a Donald Trump?

Share God is the Governor of the Nations God took the sons of Noah and divided the earth into nations per Genesis chapter ten. The descendants of Ham inhabited northwestern Africa. The descendants of Shem inhabited modern-day Iraq, Iran and … Continue reading

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Does God still Speak Today?

Share God as a Spirit spoke to Adam in the Garden of Eden as they walked together in the cool of the evening. God spoke to Cain about his sacrifice being unacceptable and his future as a wanderer. God spoke … Continue reading

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Back Doors Closed by Circles of Prayer and Fasting

Share There is always the back door that needs guarded. When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, their goal was to control the Pacific. That same week they attacked the Philippines, Wake Island, Guam, and the British … Continue reading

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